My first car & First step together with your baby's first steps excitedly meet. It makes it easier for your baby to transition from crawling to walking. While the product is in the first step position, it helps your baby to stay balanced and take the first steps. While my first car & first step is in walking mode, the colored wheels on the front will encourage your baby to take a step. It contributes to the balance of your baby who takes his first steps, to coordinate his movements and to develop fine gross motor. Your toddler will continue to enjoy my first car & first step in car mode. Your baby will move with the support from the ground with his legs and at the same time strengthen his leg muscles. One of its important features is that it is very safe. When it is used as a car, the places that the child will hold are designed in a way that they can easily grasp. The gear, horn and trunk on the front console help your baby to develop their vision, touch, motor skills and hearing. It is suitable for babies from 9 months and over. It was produced with unhealthy raw materials and dyes with the assurance of Zuzu Toys and all tests were carried out.